Top 20 Moments in New Orleans Pelicans History

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The New Orleans Pelicans may not have a long history but there are still 20 moments that standout.

The New Orleans Pelicans franchise has only been around for 14 seasons, a number that pales in comparison to the rest of the NBA. Considering that the team has a record of just 502-564 in those 14 years, trying to find a large amount of standout moments seemed like a tough task.

But as it turns out, the Pelicans (and for a bit Hornets) have had a fair amount of good come out of those years, even despite all of the losses. From hosting All-Star games to big shots to multiple important “first games” the Pelicans have had a great amount of significant moments that were worthy of this list.

The tough part of the list was trying to figure out how to organize it. The great thing about basketball and the NBA is how each fan sees things a bit differently and enjoys different parts of the game, meaning each of these moments will hit each person differently.

For a more local fan seeing the Pelicans return to New Orleans after Katrina could be much more important and therefore “better” than Anthony Davis‘ shot to beat the Thunder last year. For someone who has just started following basketball though, Davis’ shot could be the most important moment in their young fandom.

With that in mind the list is not arranged in a definite order but instead in groupings of similar moments. So important off-the-court moments will be found next to other off-the-court moments while plays and games will be grouped with other plays and games.

From there we welcome any fans to order the list anyway they want in the comments section below and list anything we may have left out you feel belongs on the list. So enjoy the trip down memory lane and let’s get started with some off-the-court moments.

Next: From a bug to a bird