Today is the Fourth of July, the yearly celebration of independence from those strange people across the pond that drink far too much tea and not enough coffee. Naturally, it is time to ponder important historical questions.
As I pen (well, I’m really typing) these words about how the New Orleans Pelicans could use one heck of a revolutionary, I’m wearing a sleeveless shirt emblazoned with the face of a majestic bald eagle and drinking the stiffest coffee money can buy. As the day progresses, I’ll be chowing down on some delicious hot dogs and drinking only the finest American beer. That’s right, buds; it’s Independence Day.
As a service to my fellow man and posterity, I have chosen to write these immortal words that will surely be remembered and recited on every Fourth of July forever more before indulging in such quintessentially American pleasures. It is time to examine the most historically important question in our nation’s lifetime.
Which founding father would help the New Orleans Pelicans to the greatest extent?
Sure, the answer is easy, right? George Washington, the heralded champion of Fabian battle tactics (which may have been totally unintentional) with a stoic demeanor, is the natural choice. The Virginian was physically imposing, inspiring and had a surprising amount of swagger (he wore his formal military uniform to the Continental Congress. If that doesn’t scream bravado, what does?).
Fortunately for the Pelicans, George Washington, or rather a counterpart, already dons their colors. Anthony Davis brings the New Orleans Pelicans a great deal of what Ole’ Georgie provided to the rebels. With his unique physical gifts, Davis is able to impose his will on the defensive end and lead the attack going the other way. And, if you don’t think Davis has swagger, you have clearly never seen him roar.

…or checked out his suit game.

Naturally, we can turn our attention to the second tier of candidates, the intellectuals. John Adams (my personal favorite) and Thomas Jefferson codified and developed a great deal of the revolutionary ideology, but the New Orleans Pelicans already have a grand thinker in Alvin Gentry. So, we still find ourselves at square one.
But, wait.
Remember that beer I mentioned (and have since been daydreaming about)? The answer has been in plain sight all along. The Pelicans do not need a valiant general or grand strategists; they need someone who can push others to action and engage the fans. A rabble rouser is just what the doctor ordered.
The New Orleans Pelicans need Samuel Adams.
Sam Adams was not a great thinker, he was a failed businessman and he had a “questionable” moral compass (the Boston Massacre being the most egregious example of him willing to bend the truth and endanger others to achieve a goal). On the other hand, Adams had the innate ability to engage those around him and to spur action.
If you watched the New Orleans Pelicans last season (and you probably watched every single game if you are dedicated enough to be reading this blog on the Fourth of July), you know the team often appeared disengaged, and they lacked the spark plug to ignite runs in an effort to take the reins back from the opposition when the Pelicans were inevitably put on their heels.
Anthony Davis, despite all of his great gifts, does not seem to be the vocal leader of the New Orleans Pelicans. Just like his revolutionary counterpart, the two way dynamo prefers to lead by example and leaves the oratory to others. While that is an admirable ideal, the team needs someone who can lead through their words in addition to their actions.
Unlike the politicians of the day that spoke down to the masses, Samuel Adams leveled with them and treated them as equals. This allowed him to incite coordinated mob actions the authorities deemed impossible for such an unorganized body to undertake. This should help us in our search; we are clearly looking for a player, someone who can speak to his teammates from the same perspective, and not a coach or general manager.
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Words alone don’t ignite a frenzy, though. Calculated risks, whether it be a transition three point attempt instead of a layup or dumping barrel after barrel of tea into Boston harbor, often turn the tide of a struggle. When they fail, everyone criticizes the decision, but, when they work, the surge swells behind the risk taker into an unstoppable tidal wave.
These traits, confident oratory and the willingness to take risks, apply to someone besides Samuel Adams, though. Is it possible what the New Orleans Pelicans need most desperately is already on the roster? Buddy Hield could be Samuel Adams.
In his short time as a New Orleans Pelican, Buddy Hield has already attempted to use his voice to inspire his teammates. After a rough season, Anthony Davis has been the target of far too much negative attention, and Hield did his very best to build up the superstar in his initial comments on being drafted by New Orleans.
"I’m willing to learn and pick his brain a little bit. He’s been in the league four years now, so he’s well-experienced. He’s a top-five player in the league, maybe soon-to-be MVP. I’m ready to learn from guys and follow his lead."
Judging by his personality, we can probably expect a lot more of these quotes to surface in the future.
The willingness to take calculated risks is something Buddy Hield has shown the propensity of doing. Watch here as, instead of driving to the basket or resetting the offense, Hield hoists a back breaking three point attempt into the air during this semi-transition opportunity.
Next: What do these free agent signings mean?
Samuel Adams may not have been the star of the revolution, but he played an integral part in igniting the fire that set the colonies ablaze. Buddy Hield could do the same thing for the New Orleans Pelicans. By helping his teammates realize their potential and swinging the momentum of games in such quick fashion, Buddy Hield can help Anthony Davis achieve greatness at Yorktown (errr…I meant the NBA Finals).