One Word to Describe Each New Orleans Pelicans Player

Brandon Ingram Los Angeles Lakers (Photo by Yong Teck Lim/Getty Images)
Brandon Ingram Los Angeles Lakers (Photo by Yong Teck Lim/Getty Images) /
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New Orleans Pelicans
(Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images) /

Jaxson Hayes: Stretchy

Jaxson Hayes probably won’t be a key contributor on the Pelicans this year, as frontcourt minutes will likely first go to Favors, Zion, Melli, and Okafor. When he does see minutes, though, expect to see him using his length, fluidity, and athleticism to electrify the crowd with emphatic rejections and dunks like these.

New Orleans Pelicans
(Photo by Sean Gardner/Getty Images) /

Jrue Holiday: Indomitable

There have probably been too many smart basketball people call Jrue Holiday underrated for it to be true anymore. NBA players are quick to talk about how tough he is defensively, and he’s been the best guard in a playoff series that featured big-time names.

Now, Jrue has arguably the deepest team he’s ever been on, and David Griffin’s now-famous permission to go out and dominate people. Pelicans fans should look forward to seeing Jrue impose his will on every aspect of basketball games this year.