In this installment of our free agent series, we let readers on Twitter choose two players they’d like to see on the New Orleans Pelicans.
If you missed last week’s profiles of potential free agents for the New Orleans Pelicans, check out the recap here.
The owners and players of the NBA are trying to stay positive and hope for a June return, but the truth is that the season may be lost already.
With so much in flux, it is impossible to know how free agency and the salary cap might be affected by a cancelled season and millions in lost revenue.
It’s very difficult to predict how things will shake out, which is why we will follow a general set of rules for our New Orleans Pelicans’ free agent profiles:
- Unrestricted free agents only. There are too many moving parts to know how any of this will play out, but restricted free agency is always tricky.
- I’ll try to choose one free agent from the “premium” crop and one from a lower tier. This won’t always be the case, but we’ll try to mix it up.
- Money is not an object at this point. The New Orleans Pelicans will likely be capped out if they extend Brandon Ingram and don’t make a trade, but for these purposes, money will be more of an abstract concept.
The two players we profiled today were chosen by Twitter poll.
In the final results, one player ran away from the pack, garnering 51.1 percent of the vote, while our second place finisher got a solid 21 percent.
It’s clear from these choices that the fans are looking at bigs and wings, and we have one of each.
Without further delay, here are two potential free agents for the New Orleans Pelicans as chosen by the readers.