New Orleans Pelicans: The Pels biggest problem was easy to predict

Nicolo Melli #20 and Jaxson Hayes #10 of the New Orleans Pelicans d (Photo by Ashley Landis - Pool/Getty Images)
Nicolo Melli #20 and Jaxson Hayes #10 of the New Orleans Pelicans d (Photo by Ashley Landis - Pool/Getty Images) /
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New Orleans Pelicans, Zion Williamson, Josh Hart
Zion Williamson and Josh Hart of the New Orleans Pelicans (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) /

New Orleans Pelicans: Players are out of position

Another problem with the lack of bench depth is that it has forced guys into playing out of position a lot of the time.

I get that the NBA is evolving into a position-less league but when Josh Hart and NAW are trying to defend power forwards, that is a problem.

Hart is a good defender but is often tasked with guarding much-larger players, which is fine but it would also be nice if his size as a shooting guard was more of an advantage.

NAW is asked to handle the ball too much at this point in his career because the Pels don’t have any other playmakers off the bench.

Zion Williamson has played at center because Hayes and Melli stink and it has been a disaster on the defensive end and not something that is sustainable for long stretches.

Willy Hernangomez has played well in his first minutes of the season and can hopefully provide some stability behind Steven Adams but the Pels still need wing depth and shooting, which has caused guys to play out of position.