New Orleans Pelicans: The Pels biggest problem was easy to predict

Nicolo Melli #20 and Jaxson Hayes #10 of the New Orleans Pelicans d (Photo by Ashley Landis - Pool/Getty Images)
Nicolo Melli #20 and Jaxson Hayes #10 of the New Orleans Pelicans d (Photo by Ashley Landis - Pool/Getty Images) /
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New Orleans Pelicans, Brandon Ingram
Brandon Ingram #14 of the New Orleans Pelicans (Photo by Sean Gardner/Getty Images) /

New Orleans Pelicans: The bench has no chemistry with the starters

Coming into the season, there were some intriguing lineup possibilities with different starters mixed in with the bench.

We hoped that a couple of guys would form chemistry with Zion or Ingram so that the Pels had additional weapons when some of the starters were out of the game.

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In particular, the possibilities of a Zion or Ingram pick-and-roll with J.J. Redick had potential or Lonzo and Zion playing with a small-ball lineup of shooters or Zion creating shots for Melli.

None of these things have happened on a regular basis and none of the starters have any kind of chemistry or two-man game going with the bench.

This mostly comes down to Redick, who has shot less than 30 percent from 3-point range, which no one predicted.

But it also comes down to the fact that the Pelicans don’t have the talent or depth coming off their bench.

By now someone should have grabbed the reigns and stepped up as the Alpha bench player but so far only Josh Hart has contributed consistently and he hasn’t shot the ball well either.

The New Orleans Pelicans have to get more from their bench, as it is costing them games by blowing big leads and wrecking the flow of the game.

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